Belong to the Lycan Alpha Novel PDF Download/Read Online

Belong to the Lycan Alpha Novel
Belong to the Lycan Alpha Novel

Belong to the Lycan Alpha Novel is a werewolf novel in PDF, that is, portable format. It is one of the best novels in our e-library. Therefore, all you need to read and download this novel is to have a stable internet connection.

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Belong to the Lycan Alpha Novel Synopsis

Aiden brought a woman who was three months pregnant with him after he had been away for a year because of the war
between the werewolf and the lycan and because of that, he had to reject his destined mate, Lilac.
At the same time, as part of the peace treaty, the lycan alpha came to their pack, to attend a party.
It was then when Lilac met Hunter for the first time. The rude, boorish and vulgar alpha.

But, what shocked her the most was the fact that Hunter asked for Lilac to be his mate as a symbol of peace between the two packs.
It was not only Lilac, who was shocked with the request, but Aiden as well, since he had never thought his rejected mate would be away from the pack.
He adamant to refuse that, but then, he was still not an alpha yet, since his father was still the leader of the pack.
Read all the chapters of this amazing story to find out more thanks..

Belong to the Lycan Alpha Chapter 1 – 5

Belong to the Lycan Alpha Chapter 6 – 10

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