Fates Hands Novel Free PDF – Download/Read

Fates Hands Novel pdf
Fates Hands Novel cover

Firstly, Fates Hands novel is an adult novel in PDF format. It is in a portable form so that it can be easily downloaded and read both on and offline. Additionally, Four or Dead Novel is one of the best novels on our platform.

Akeosa will be uploading all new PDF chapters of the Fates Hands PDF novel on time. So make sure you check in to read and download this fascinating novel.

Equally important is to read this novel with discretion as it contains mature content. Without a doubt, there are mentions of drugs, violence, and suicide. It is 18+ as viewers’ discretion is advised. Reverse Harem, bully-to-lover.

I was born 10 minutes after my sister Lily and that is what unfortunately set my fate. You see my mother only wanted one pup instead she got two.
My twin sister Lily was the princess to my mother and I was what she called the spare. That is my name “Spare”. Spare Williams.

My sister had sunny golden hair, golden tan skin, bright green eyes, and a body to die for.
I on the other hand had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, and a body not so much to die for.
My father said that he got a daughter like his mother and one like his mother-in-law. I took after his mother.
I never knew my grandparents on my father’s side they both died before we were born.
My mother’s parents, on the other hand, I wish I did not know. They were mean, cruel, and judgmental.

Fates Hands Chapter 1 – 25

Fates Hands Chapter 26 – 50

Fates Hands Chapter 51 – 65

Fates Hands Book 2 Chapter 1 – 5

Fates Hands Book 2 Chapter 26 – 33

Fates Hands Book 3 Chapter 1 – 15

Fates Hands Book 3 Chapter 16 – 23

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