The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF – Download/Read Online

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The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF is a very interesting novel. It is one of the best novels on Akeosa. The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF is in a portable format.

I will be uploading all the latest chapters of The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF. It was written by HC Dolores.

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF

Chapter 1
“Fate is not an eagle, it creeps like a rat.”
– Elizabeth Bowen
If you were to ask my parents to describe my older brother, they’d tell you he was a
natural leader. Fearless and courageous, the kind of man born to lead armies.
And if you asked them to describe my sister, they’d gush about her sweet disposition
and her selfless heart.
But me?
There’s only one word my parents would use to describe me: human.
You might not think that “human” could be used as an insult, but somehow, I’ve spent
my entire life wearing this word like a badge of shame. When I showed up on my Alpha
father’s doorstep at twelve, he told the rest of the pack that I was there because of my
human mother’s failure. I was thrust into the wolf pack – literally – but my status as the
only human there made me an instant outcast. I couldn’t run or wrestle or shift into
wolves like the rest of the neighborhood kids. I’d never meet my mate or experience that
instantaneous true love that mated pairs had.
I was still the Alpha’s kid, and while that might’ve saved me from the bullies, it didn’t
mean I fit in. The werewolf world was drastically different from the human one, and to
them, my humanity was a weakness.

Synopsis of The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel PDF

“You must understand something, little mate,” Griffin said, and his face softened,
“I have waited nine years for you. That’s nearly a decade since I’ve felt this emptiness inside me.
Part of me began to wonder if you didn’t exist or you’d already died. And then I found you, right inside my own home.”
He used one of his hands to stroke my cheek and tingles erupted everywhere.

“I’ve spent enough time without you and I will not let anything else keep us apart.
Not other wolves, not my drunken father who’s barely holding himself together the past twenty years, not your family – and not even you.”
Clark Bellevue has spent her entire life as the only human in the wolf pack – literally.
Eighteen years ago, Clark was the accidental result of a brief affair between one of the most powerful Alphas in the world and a human woman.
Despite living with her father and her werewolf half-siblings, Clark has never felt like she really belonged in the werewolf world.

But right as Clark plans to leave the werewolf world behind for good, her life gets flipped upside down by her mate: the next Alpha King, Griffin Bardot.
Griffin has been waiting years for the chance to meet his mate, and he’s not about to let her go anytime soon.
It doesn’t matter how far Clark tries to run from her destiny or her mate – Griffin intends to keep her, no matter what he has to do or who stands in his way.
Read the complete novel to find out more…

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 1 – 5

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 6 – 10

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 11 – 30

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 31 – 36

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 37 – 41

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 42 – 47

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 47 – 51

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 52 – 56

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 57 – 61

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 62 – 66

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 67 – 71

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 72 – 76

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 77 – 81

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 82 – 86

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 87 – 91

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 92 – 96

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 97 – 101

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 102 – 106

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 107 – 111

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 112 – 116

The Alpha King’s Human Mate Novel Chapter 117 – 120

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9 Responses

  1. Beatriz says:

    Why isn’t there episode 16-26?? Can you post it please?

  2. Tatiana says:

    Hi, do you have chapter 16 to 25 please? Thanks 😊

  3. Tatiana says:

    Hi, can you post chapters 16 to 25 please? Thank you 😊

  4. Lykke says:

    Could the chapters 16-25 get posted pleas and thank you love the book

  5. JY says:

    Hi, can you please post chapters 16 to 25? Thank you 😊

  6. JY says:

    Thank you very much.

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